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Wednesday Nature School

Public·22 members

This week was our first survival skills lesson with Tim MacWelch. We learned that the 2 most important things to do if you get lost are to stay in one place and to be brave! Knowing what to do to be safe can help us be brave so we talked about some things to pack in our hiking bags and learned some beginner skills. Tim taught us the Rule of Threes: you can survive 3 minutes without air, 3 hours in the cold, 3 days without water,  and 3 weeks without food. So our first skills were all about staying warm! Tim showed us a space blanket that folds so small it can fit in your pocket.

Next we learned that all knots are made of three basic parts: bights, overhand loops, and underhand loops. We practiced square knots (2 bights), and half hitches (2 overhand loops). Tim recommended lookin…

Jen Kochy
3 days ago · joined the group.
Rose Harvey

For Naure School this Wednesday, the pinned location on the event map is not in the right location. I can’t get it to move. The written out address is correct. We are using a side entrance to the property on Old Zion Rd and route 17. This is North of Warrenton.

Rose Harvey
Rose Harvey
3 days ago

Is this it? County Rd 777 & US-17, Virginia 20198


A cool project some of our kids might enjoy doing!

Later this semester we'll be learning about seed dispersal and leaves, and we'll talk about citizen science a few times over the course of the year. The Virginia Department of Forestry is asking for donations of specific types of nuts. I'm sharing a link to their website with more information on which trees they're looking for nuts/acorns from and how to turn in your donations.

Beth Herz
Laurel Blackmon


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  • 25 Sep Wed | 'Nature School- Shenandoah River State Park'

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